Quick Start

An introduction for the impatient.

"Hello world" with a PDA

Grab our getting started Notes MVC app.

git clone https://github.com/dataswift/dataswift-starter-app-js.git

Prerequisites: node 12.13.0 and npm 6.12

Grab your favourite caffeinated ☕ beverage and do:

cd dataswift-starter-app-js
npm install
npm start

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to play with the app

To go live your app will get reviewed by us and published like on the Apple App store

From the start, please think about storing any piece of private data only once with random UUID references which you can store normally in your existing database.

Lastly, we review all apps before they go live to ensure users seeing a Dataswyft PDA logo will trust their data is looked after. We partner with you to get quality code out the door. Please get one of our data privacy experts to help guide you – reach us on contact@dataswyft.com.

Last updated